With comprehensive and effective programs in the areas of resource development, community programs, technical assistance, training programs, referral services, crisis relief and international initiatives, IBC matches those who can help with those who need help. Together with community partnerships across the country and IBC’s six state affiliate offices and 100’s of affiliated local non-profit organizations, we produce successful outcomes to meet the needs of children, families and communities, locally, nationally and internationally. We focus on a quality support program that builds and sustain a permanent base of services for our communities.
Institute for Black Charities serves as an agent for philanthrophy and philanthropic causes. As a repository, we collect and distribute vital resources to the poor and disenfranchised, and in turn, we provide programs that improve the quality of life for children, families and communities in need.
Our major program vehicles are:
Collective Fundraising Projects & Initiatives
IBC develops new approaches to address the lack of financial resources affecting Black organizations and communities. Approaches focus on identifying and improving access to funding sources, creating new opportunities for funding, and improving economic and community resources.
Technical Assistance
IBC provide organizations and individuals with hands-on technical assistance. This initiative addresses the many challenges faced by non-profit organizations in the delivery of their program services to the community. Technical assistance includes work in organizational development, strategic planning, board and volunteer recruitment, strategic planning, program development, training and fundraising programs.
Training & Workshop Forums
IBC provides and/or arranges workshop and training forums for organizations and the community-at-large in the areas of Organizational Development and Management, Strategic Planning, Communications and Financial Accountability Programs. Training workshops are designed to provide an opportunity for educational enrichment, information sharing and to advance the opportunity for development of collaborative partnerships between participants.
Marketing, Public Awareness Campaigns
IBC develops resource materials for community projects, surveys & training manuals. We develop awareness campaigns and marketing strategies to educate the public on the services available in their communities.